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 Task 5

Pierre Bourdieu was born in 1930 and died in 2002, he is a Frenchman and was one of the most important sociologists in the 20th century and more specific in the period between 1950-1960.

Pierre Bourdieu developed a theory of action, around the concept of habitus, which has exerted great influence in the social sciences. This theory tries to show that social agents develop strategies, on the basis of dispositions acquired by socialization, the good and the unconscious, they adapt to the needs of the social world. His work is organized around a series of guiding concepts, among others: the habitus as a principle of action of the agents, fields as spheres of social competition and symbolic violence, as a fundamental mechanism for imposing the relations of domination.


Finally, Pierre Bourdieu is one of the authors that I like the most, since with his theory it is possible to study very homogeneous contexts within society. In addition, it is a theory that explains the functioning of social classes and their daily practices.



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